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Sept 18th and 19th, 2024 in Las Vegas, NV!

The Forgotten Rules of Writing Automotive Service Banner

Jeff Cowan’s Two-Day Workshops

Jeff Cowan is a legendary speaker in the automotive service space. His passion for motivational speaking and developing and delivering educational content is unsurpassed by anyone else in the industry. Not only does he create and present the most current and effective content on Automotive Service Writing, but he does so with a level of energy and excitement that keeps these forums moving quickly. With 38 years of on-the-stage experience, Jeff has learned how to masterfully gain and keep each attendee’s attention for the duration of his two-day workshops.

Let Us Help You Become the Best Service Advisor You Can Be

With Jeff Cowan’s unique ability to make all who attend his meetings realize that they can maximize every opportunity, his participants become elite service advisors, service managers, and fixed ops members who deliver world-class service and top results; for themselves and their business owners. Most who attend one of Jeff’s workshops regard it as the absolute best service workshop they have ever attended. That is why many who attend one of Jeff’s workshops come back over and over again. They bring friends and associates with them as they do. If you want to attend or expose your team to the most important automotive workshop they will ever experience presented by a true world-class speaker, then sign up today for one of Jeff’s upcoming events.

  • Increase Customer Paid Hours Per Repair Order by 5/10ths or More
    • The more hours you book in repair services the more revenue your service department will bank in paid services. This increases the pay of Services Advisors, Service Managers, and the revenue for the department as well as adding to the bottom. Become the MVP of your Automotive Service Company.
  • Customer Retention Above 85% in 9 Months
    • Sales bring in new customers but who is responsible for keeping them happy appointment after appointment? Service Advisors and the Fixed Ops Team, that’s who. By maintaining a Customer Retention Rate of over 85% your service team will maintain a large portion of the annual revenue coming.
  • Learn How to Get Perfect Survey Scores
    • Happy customers leave good remarks and make great reviews. Let us teach you how to get the most out of every customer interaction and gain those amazing survey scores and reviews that build credibility for new and inbound clients.
  • Eliminate Heat Cases Forever!
    • Let’s be honest! No one enjoys handling Heat Cases but an angry customer is angry for a reason. What if we told you that you could virtually eliminate Heat Cases from your business and never have to deal with an angry client again? Do we have your attention?

Contact us at (800) 248-2931 or for more information or to sign up for the Las Vegas, NV Two-Day Workshop – September 18-19.

There are several ways to register for this Two-Day Workshop in Las Vegas:

    • Fax: 928.771.2789

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